pg. 89

Just started this today and already almost 100 pages in. Ketchum always hooks me and pulls me quickly through his novels - whipping through pages with ease. My only qualm so far is that it is obvious he's not truly familiar with Maine. As a resident, we are Mainahs not Maine-iacs, and it is Route 1, not Highway 1. (Simple slip ups, but a little surprising since Stephen King and Ketchum are friendly and fans of one another - and, of course, King is our most famous resident.) Also, the good people of Washington County may be a little offended by the inbred description.
He does, however, capture the feelings of adversity the locals feel toward entitled tourists very well. We don't like rude out-a-statahs and we don't care how important they think they are. Your status doesn't mean anything up here. Despite our "Vacation Land" moniker, the locals often spout, "Welcome to Maine, leave your money and get out."
The fact that part of this book is focused on the group of tourists and another focuses on the local sheriff is interesting as it offers two perspectives. I think it will be fun to explore the contrasts between the two.